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Composable CX Trends For 2024

Learn about various trends of composable CX, and how companies are using composable commerce to their benefit. Read our blog for the full story.

Team Omind

Team Omind

July 24, 2024

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Composable CX, a shift from monolithic systems to flexible, modular architectures, is reshaping how businesses interact with customers. Omind has discussed composable CX in great detail in the past, and for good reason: Composable CX is now shaping up over 50% of the CX that companies use, and is set to grow to 70% by 2026.  The trend is driven by the need for speed, agility, and individual preferences amongst customers, thanks to advancements in the way customers perceive their engagement with brands. 

With that said,  let's explore a few of the key trends shaping composable CX in 2024. 

Personalization Takes Center Stage

generative AI 

AI has moved on from being a buzzword to become an asset for businesses seeking to forge deeper connections with their customers. By analyzing vast repositories of customer data, AI algorithms uncover hidden patterns of preferences, behaviors, and aspirations. Such newfound understanding allows businesses to craft highly tailored experiences that resonate on a profound level.

90% of users now feel that personalization is a must when interacting with a brand. Dynamic product recommendations that align with individual tastes, content that speaks directly to specific interests, and even customized marketing campaigns can be orchestrated to create a sense of connection and relevance. By anticipating customer needs and desires, businesses can deliver experiences that feel almost intuitive. 

By integrating generative AI into composable CX platforms, businesses can:

  • Create hyper-curated content: Generate tailored product descriptions, marketing copy, and even visual content based on individual customer preferences and behaviors.
  • Enhance customer interactions: Develop AI-powered chatbots capable of holding human-like conversations, providing intelligent recommendations, and resolving customer issues efficiently.
  • Optimize customer journeys: Use AI to analyze customer data and predict future behaviors, enabling businesses to proactively anticipate needs and deliver tailored experiences at every touchpoint.
  • Accelerate content creation: Automate content generation for various channels, such as social media, email, and websites, freeing up human resources for more strategic tasks. 63% of organizations now use AI to improve their content as well as their customer service. 

Modular Systems Gain Momentum

The shift towards modular systems is a direct response to the limitations imposed by traditional, monolithic architectures. These monolithic systems, often complex and rigid, hinder innovation by making it difficult to introduce changes or adapt to new market conditions. A Data Dimensions report suggests that over 58% of respondents believed that their companies still operated in siloed structures, making modularity an ever-essential adaptation. 

By breaking down systems into smaller, interchangeable components, businesses gain unprecedented flexibility. These components can be independently developed, tested, and deployed, accelerating the pace of innovation.

  • Rapid Experimentation: Modular systems enable businesses to quickly test new ideas and features without affecting the core functionality of the system, allowing for a culture of experimentation and learning.
  • Quicker Time-to-Market: With modular components already in place, businesses can assemble new products or services more rapidly. The speed-to-market advantage is crucial in today's competitive field: Over $1.6 trillion dollars are lost every year due to companies providing bad service. 
  • Easier Adaptation: When market conditions change or customer needs evolve, modular systems can be easily adjusted by replacing or modifying specific components, ensuring ongoing relevance and customer satisfaction.

In essence, modular systems allow businesses to become more agile, responsive, and innovative. By adopting said approach, organizations can position themselves for long-term success in an ever-changing marketplace. 

Omnichannel Platforms Become the Core

Omnichannel platform

Omnichannel platforms are emerging as the linchpin of modern customer engagement strategies. These platforms serve as the central nervous system for orchestrating a unified customer experience across various touchpoints. 62% of customers now want to interact with the same brand across multiple platforms, making an omnichannel platform all the more essential. 

  • Orchestration Across Channels: Experience platforms excel at managing customer journeys across multiple channels, including websites, mobile apps, social media, email, and physical stores. By coordinating interactions and ensuring consistency, businesses can create a cohesive and unified customer experience.
  • Unifying Data and Processes: Experience platforms break down silos between departments, encouraging collaboration and alignment around the customer. By unifying data and processes, businesses can eliminate inconsistencies, improve efficiency, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Low-Code/No-Code Accelerates Development

low code development 

The relentless pace of digital transformation has intensified the demand for rapid application development. Low-code and no-code platforms have emerged as powerful tools to meet this challenge. 70% of surveyed app developers in 2020 created a low-code solution in less than 3 months.  By democratizing development, these platforms allow both professional developers and business users to create applications with minimal coding.

  • Accelerated Development Cycles: Low-code and no-code platforms offer visual interfaces, pre-built components, and drag-and-drop functionality, significantly reducing development time. Such speed allows businesses to quickly respond to market changes and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Empowerment of Citizen Developers: With low-code and no-code tools, business users with limited coding expertise can contribute to application development. Democratization of development improves innovation and agility by tapping into a broader pool of talent.
  • Increased Experimentation: The rapid development capabilities of low-code and no-code platforms encourage experimentation. Businesses can quickly prototype and test new ideas, reducing the risk of costly failures.

Data-Driven Decision Making Reigns Supreme

Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, and in the realm of Composable CX, its significance is magnified. By harnessing advanced analytics, organizations can transform raw data into a treasure trove of insights, illuminating intricate details about customer behaviors, preferences, and journey touchpoints. A data-driven approach revolutionizes decision-making, replacing guesswork with concrete evidence. 56% of surveyed companies in 2022 used data to hone their interactions and CX for customers. 

Armed with this knowledge, businesses can tailor experiences to specific customer segments, predict customer needs and desires, and measure the effectiveness of their CX initiatives with precision. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, those who master the art of data-driven decision-making will undoubtedly emerge as leaders. Even as far back as 2018, Adobe and Econsultancy’s study on data analytics showed that 65% of surveyed companies agreed that improving data analytics was essential to good CX. 

Customer Journey Mapping Becomes Strategic

Customer journey mapping has evolved to a strategic imperative. By meticulously charting the customer's interactions with a brand across various touchpoints, businesses gain invaluable insights into the customer experience. A view uncovers pain points, inefficiencies, and opportunities for optimization. Gartner reported that over 50% of surveyed companies already have customer journey mapping in place, while another 45% were planning to implement it. 

By aligning teams around a shared understanding of the customer journey, businesses can build a customer-centric culture and create a unified customer experience. Ultimately, customer journey mapping serves as a compass, guiding organizations towards a deeper connection with their customers and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

The Rise of Headless Commerce

Headless commerce is best known for decoupling the frontend presentation layer from the backend commerce engine. It is expected to reach a CAGR of over $32 billion by the year 2027. The architectural shift allows businesses to deliver consistent and engaging experiences across a multitude of channels, from traditional websites and mobile apps to emerging platforms like voice assistants and augmented reality. By separating concerns, headless commerce unlocks unparalleled flexibility, enabling organizations to innovate rapidly, experiment with new technologies, and adapt to evolving customer preferences. 

With a headless approach, businesses can create tailored experiences that resonate with specific audiences, optimize content delivery for different devices, and integrate with third-party systems. Agility is crucial in today's fast-paced digital world, where customer expectations are constantly evolving and new opportunities arise at an unprecedented rate. As a result, headless commerce is becoming the foundation for future-proof digital commerce strategies. 

Automation Drives Efficiency and Scalability 

Automation is a catalyst for operational efficiency. By automating repetitive, time-consuming tasks, businesses can significantly reduce manual effort and eliminate human error. It frees up employees to focus on higher-value activities that require strategic thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. For instance, 67% of customers feel that self-serve chatbots are a good way to handle interactions. 

Chatbots can handle routine customer inquiries, providing instant responses and freeing up human agents to address complex issues. Similarly, robotic process automation (RPA) can streamline back-office tasks, such as data entry and invoice processing, improving accuracy and reducing turnaround times.

Automation is instrumental in enabling businesses to scale their operations effectively. As customer demand grows, automation can handle the increased workload without compromising service quality. For example, during peak periods, automated systems can handle a surge in customer interactions, ensuring seamless experiences. 

The Future Of Composable CX 

Composable CX, powered by AI, data, and automation, is redefining the customer experience world. As businesses navigate the complexities of the digital age, embracing these trends is essential for building lasting customer relationships, driving growth, and staying ahead of the competition. 

If you’d like a helping hand when it comes to marketing, CX and marketing automation, Omind is your answer. Omind leverages AI to bring to you a conversational platform that helps visitors engage with your business and turns visitors into paying customers. To see how our platform works, schedule a demo at this link today.

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